Neva Krachmal

Neva Krachmal

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Neva Krachmal

Neva Krachmal

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    Basic information

    Neva Krachmal

    The Neva Starch Company is glad to welcome you on the pages of its official portal! Neva Starch LLC is an official dealer of one of the world's largest starch producers – the Danish company KMS. Working closely with the world's leading suppliers of food ingredients from Denmark and China, we sell starch products made on the basis of various vegetable raw materials - potato starch, modified starches, potato granules and flakes, as well as a wide range of food additives and dried vegetables at favorable prices for the Russian consumer. The positions offered by us are in demand in the production of meat, dairy, fish, bakery, confectionery products, and they are also often used in the manufacture of various sauces and mayonnaise.
