Bakhchisaray * WeissBier *

To buy wholesale Bakhchisaray * WeissBier * from TD Farchhan, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Bakhchisaray * WeissBier *
Price per l
Minimum order
50 l
TD Farchhan

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Bavarian Wheat beer grade. This variety is distinguished by a beautiful dense foam, an interesting aroma with notes of bananas and bright fruit-yeast taste. The Motherland of German Wheat Beer Weizen / Weissbier - Bavaria. Initially, wheat beer production was the monopoly of the Bavarian royal family of Vittelsbakhov. It was produced by the Royal Hofbrau brewery, open in Munich in 1589. We continue the tradition of the royal family!Wheat4.5%thirteen%Energy value in 100g 50 kcal, carbohydrates not more than 5.2 gr.From the moment of bottling of unfiltered inadequate beer in kgs - 7 days (168 hours) at a temperature of +2 ºС to + 7ºС inclusive.From the moment of bottling the filtered clarified beer in kgs - 30 days at a temperature of from +2 ºС to + 7ºС inclusive.

  • Brand / TM.

    Bakhchisarai brewery

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  • Volume (l)

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  • Unit of shelf life

    30 Days

  • Brand / TM.

    Бахчисарайская пивоварня