from 50 l
$/lTo buy wholesale Bakhchisarai * Tanuki * from TD Farchhan, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.
from 50 l
$/lfrom 50 l
$/lfrom 50 l
$/lfrom 50 l
$/lfrom 50 l
$/lThe recipe of Tanuki meets the rules of traditional brewing: grain wort (from rice or barley) walks several weeks with the participation of beer yeast, the addition of hops and bamboo raw materials. Then the plot is maintained in hermetic tanks at low pressure under pressure. Soft green beer Tanyuki is combined with traditional dishes of East Asian cuisine: sushi, rolls, seafood, acute rice noodles, meat in sour and sweet sauce. Green 4.5% 12% Energy value in 100g 50 kcal, carbohydrates no more than 5.2 gr. From the moment of bottling of unfiltered inadequate beer in kgs - 7 days (168 hours) at a temperature of +2 ºС to + 7ºС inclusive. From the moment of bottling the filtered clarified beer in kgs - 30 days at a temperature of from +2 ºС to + 7ºС inclusive.
Primary packaging
Brand / TM.
Bakhchisarai brewery
View of the product
Fortress (%)
Volume (l)
Quantum Supplies
Unit of shelf life
30 Days
Brand / TM.
Бахчисарайская пивоварня