from 50 l
$/lTo buy wholesale Bakhchisarai * Pilsner * from TD Farchhan, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.
from 50 l
$/lfrom 50 l
$/lfrom 50 l
$/lfrom 50 l
$/lfrom 50 l
$/lPilsner is a special lager, it is distinguished by a bright hop mustache in taste and a light malt tone, thanks to which it drinks easily and with great pleasure. The characteristic flavor of the drink is complete and rich. Pilsner is a classic genre. This type of beer was named in honor of the old town of Plzen. It is believed that it was here that Pilsner originated in the middle of the 19th century under the leadership of the famous Bavarian master Joseph Galla as a result of an experiment for the sake of obtaining new grass beers with an attractive taste. It can be filtered and unfiltered. Light 4.5% 12% energy value in 100g 46 kcal, carbohydrates not more than 4.7 grams from the moment of bottling of non-filtered inappropriate beer in kgs - 7 days (168 hours) at a temperature of +2 ºС to + 7ºС inclusive. From the moment of bottling the filtered clarified beer in kgs - 30 days at a temperature of from +2 ºС to + 7ºС inclusive.
Primary packaging
Brand / TM.
Bakhchisarai brewery
View of the product
Fortress (%)
Volume (l)
Quantum Supplies
Unit of shelf life
30 Days
Brand / TM.
Бахчисарайская пивоварня