Goat Cheese Cheddar

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Goat Cheese Cheddar
Price per kg
Minimum order
2 kg
Tamasha 2050

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Ingredients: natural goat milk, pasteurized, thermophilic starter culture, rennet enzyme, CaCl, annatto food coloring, salt 100 gr. of the product contains: proteins: 23 gr., fats: 32 gr., carbohydrates: 0 gr. Energy value: 392 kCal. Shelf life is up to 60 days at t +2° +4° C, When opening the package, the shelf life is 72 hours As with any other product, there can be both benefits and harms from eating Cheddar. Let's start with a good one. The variety contains the following minerals, vitamins, micro and macroelements as: vitamin A, E, PP and C; B vitamins; beta-carotene; potassium; calcium; phosphorus and others. The whole listed complex normalizes the metabolism in the body, promotes the growth and strengthening of bone tissue. The product contains nutrients that have a beneficial effect on brain activity. The useful qualities of Cheddar cheese allow you to increase the body's endurance to mental and physical exertion with its help. However, a large amount of fat in the cheese can harm the body. Lead to the appearance of excess weight, provoke gastrointestinal disorders and an increase in cholesterol in the blood.

  • Contains

    Only natural ingredients

  • Type of solid cheese


  • Fatty

  • Does not contain

    Soy., , Artificial additives, Preservatives, GMO, Artificial dyes, Eggs, Starch, Gluten, Sodium glutamate

  • View of cheese


  • View of milk


  • Primary packaging

    Vacuum package

  • Weight (kg)

  • Quantum Supplies

    2 kg

  • Unit of shelf life

    60 Days

  • Brand / TM.

    Тамаша 2050