Goat cheese Canestrato

To buy wholesale Goat cheese Canestrato from Tamasha 2050, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Goat cheese Canestrato
Price per kg
Minimum order
2 kg
Tamasha 2050

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Ingredients: natural goat's milk, pasteurized, mesophilic starter culture, rennet enzyme, activated carbon for the crust, CaCl, salt 100 gr. of the product contains: proteins: 27 gr., fats: 25 gr., carbohydrates: 2 gr. Energy value: 356 kCal. Shelf life is up to 60 days at t +2° +4° C, When opening the package, the shelf life is 72 hours Since goat cheese contains little cholesterol and sodium, this product can be safely eaten by people with diabetes and heart disease. In addition, this kind of cheese is easily and quickly absorbed in the body. In addition, it contains saturated fats that are useful for the body. Also, the substances that are in goat cheese help to increase the metabolic rate, thereby contributing to fat burning. Given this, you can, without fear for your figure, eat this product. In addition, it also has a low calorie content. The effectiveness of using this incredibly delicious product during diets is confirmed by a lot of positive reviews about it.

  • Fatty

  • Weight (kg)

  • Contains

    Only natural ingredients

  • View of cheese


  • View of milk


  • Does not contain

    , Artificial additives, Preservatives, GMO, Artificial dyes, Eggs, Soy., Starch, Gluten, Sodium glutamate

  • Primary packaging

    Vacuum package

  • Form release


  • Quantum Supplies

    2 kg

  • Unit of shelf life

    60 Days

  • Brand / TM.

    Тамаша 2050