Goat cheese Asiago

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Goat cheese Asiago
Price per kg
Minimum order
2 kg
Tamasha 2050

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Ingredients: natural goat's milk, pasteurized, mesophilic starter culture, rennet, CaCl, salt 100 gr. of the product contains: proteins: 28 gr., fats: 30 gr., carbohydrates: 0 gr. Energy value: 370 kCal. Shelf life is up to 60 days at t +2° +4° C, When opening the package, the shelf life is 72 hours Daily consumption of a small amount of Asiago cheese will help improve the functioning of digestion, the cardiovascular system and enrich the body with trace elements necessary for a healthy life. The percentage of protein in Asiago is higher than in meat. Protein acts as the main forming element of muscles and the basis for regenerative cellular processes. The conversion of casein and albuminoids during fermentation into simpler elements in structure allows the body to more easily assimilate useful proteins. The composition of the variety includes amino acids, for example, lysine, alanine and glycine, which regulate the nervous system, allowing you to cope with stress faster and maintain an even emotional background.

  • Form release


  • Fatty

  • Does not contain

    Soy., , Artificial additives, Preservatives, GMO, Artificial dyes, Eggs, Starch, Gluten, Sodium glutamate

  • View of cheese


  • View of milk


  • Contains

    Only natural ingredients

  • Primary packaging

    Vacuum package

  • Weight (kg)

  • Quantum Supplies

    2 kg

  • Unit of shelf life

    60 Days

  • Brand / TM.

    Тамаша 2050