Seedlings of Korean Barberry

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Seedlings of Korean Barberry
Price per pcs
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6 pcs
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Korean barberry — grows on the Korean peninsula. It became known relatively recently, at the beginning of the 20th century, and has not yet been widely distributed. A shrub of medium size, not exceeding 2 m in height. At first glance, it resembles an ordinary barberry, but its leaves are larger, stiff, almost leathery. The spines are of an original shape, strong, thickened, somewhat flattened, usually collected together in 3-5 pieces. In the lower part of the shoots, the spines are leaf-like expanded. Blooms and bears fruit from the age of 5. Bright yellow, strongly scented flowers are collected 15-20 pcs. in numerous brushes, which hang from the shoots with bright lanterns along their entire length. In the middle zone, the Korean barberry blooms at the end of May — the first decade of June, for about two weeks. The flowers attract a lot of bees. In September, numerous fruits of a rich red color ripen, noticeably larger than those of the common barberry, and, which is rare in barberries, almost spherical in shape, with a diameter of about 1 cm. The foliage in autumn acquires a purple-red color and falls off only in October. The fruits continue to hang on the shrub without foliage. Dense branching, the ability to regrow and recover after pruning allow you to use this shrub to create a hedge.

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