Seedlings of Cherry Plum Huck

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Seedlings of Cherry Plum Huck
Price per pcs
Minimum order
6 pcs
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Gek is a hybrid variety of cherry plum, which was obtained by breeding from a seedling of a Chinese short—fruited plum, which was grafted with a cherry plum stalk of the Excellent variety. The tree is medium-sized, fast-growing, has a semi-rounded crown. The smooth trunk of medium thickness has a gray color. The average weight of the fetus is 28-31 g. The length of the fetus is 4.1 cm, width — 3.7 cm. The shape of the fruit is slightly asymmetrical ovoid with a wide base. The abdominal suture is noticeably pronounced and located exactly in the middle of the fetus. The fruits have a pleasant taste, but the flesh is not too juicy. The tasting score is 4.2 points out of 5 possible. It should be noted that in the case of The skin of the fruit is quite dense, has a characteristic waxy coating, it is poorly separated from the pulp. The color of the fruits is yellow, and if the fruits ripened under the sun, they will have a pink-orange blush. Use =preservation enhances the taste qualities of the variety. The fruits ripen in the second half of July. Fruiting itself stretches for 1-1.5 months. The fruits have good keeping quality and transportability.

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