Apricot seedlings Alyosha

To buy wholesale Apricot seedlings Alyosha from Late Andrei Nikolaevich, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Apricot seedlings Alyosha
Price per pcs
Minimum order
6 pcs
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The Alyosha variety — a variety of apricot belongs to the early ones, which are grown on the territory of the Moscow region and the middle part of the country. The fruits ripen in the 2nd decade of July, they are used for canning, processing or consumed fresh. Alyosha has a spreading rounded crown, the tree reaches a height of 300-350 cm. The average weight of the fruit is 15 g, the taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. Apricot tolerates winter frosts and drought well. The tree begins to bear fruit for 3-4 years after planting in the open ground. Alyosha refers to self-fertile varieties that can act as pollinators for other crops.

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