Columbia Apontay Hani.

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Columbia Apontay Hani.
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5 pcs

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Acidness 60% Sweetness 70% bitterness of a 30% Inga community in the apone consists of descendants of the ancients, Dupissious Incas. In the period of conquest, they remained isolated high in the mountains that became their natural shelter. This community has not resumed significant contacts with the rest of Colombia to the second half of the nineteenth. Unfortunately, in the 90s, the contacts were preferably crime, and the asylum of Inhi turned into a place of cruelty. Incretion of many years, this tribe was forcibly involved in the production of poppy and heroin under the influence of partisan groups, drug dealers of iconized formations. There are no time peaceful mountains by abundant plantations and violence, in the trap of which there were ingi for another fifteen years ago. In the last decade of the mountain, the mountains became a safe zone for the Inga tribe, and the source crops were destroyed to give the place of the new culture: coffee! The Caturra's grade was planted on the territory of Inga, in small land in Rebaardo Inga Apontay, on average at an altitude of 2150 meters above the level. This exaltation in combination with a volcano Goleras, which constantly drops ashes rich in nutrients, makes the cavities and sweet and sweet.

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