Gelatin food P-11

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Gelatin food P-11
Price per kg
Minimum order
25 kg

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We offer gelatin food P 11 (China). 180,200 and 220 Bloom fractions 5-15, 20.30 and 40 mesh. We provide samples to match.Gelatin is an amazing product. By itself, he has no taste, no smell, nor even colors. However, there is no man who would not use this product. The food gelatin is familiar not only by sweet tok, with its help prepare fish and meat bay, potions, jelly and other tasty, although first of all it is associated with sweet fruit jelly.Food gelatin is tasteless, colorless, and without any smell of thickener in the form of crystals or plates obtained from calf and beef bones. And some gelatin varieties are a by-product obtained by treating pork skin.Gelatin is an excellent dietary product. All the dishes, which he enters, is perfectly absorbed by our organism, without causing increased secretion of the digestive glands. As it is known to many, gelatin is very useful for fractures, as well as cracks in the bones, because this product helps the restoration of the articular tissues after injuries and the speedy splicing of bones. By eating the gelatin rich in collagen, you significantly improve the condition of the nails and hair, make the joints more movable.

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