Buy Mini Installation of Ultrafiltration Cleaning (Assignment) of Juices and Alcohol POZITRON-1 (Food 100-20-Couff-19 (0.01)) from 1369.25 $ from LLC "PK Positron"
LLC "PK Positron"from 1 pcs
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1For 14 years we have been producing Pozitron brand equipment for air purification by ozonation (ozonators) and water purification equipment using patented ozone-ultrafiltration technology. On the basis of their equipment, they opened a line for bottling non-carbonated ionized drinking water in 750ml stainless steel bottles of the VIMER brand. In 2021, they received the status of the Winner of the International Environmental Award in the nomination "Best Technology" at the main exhibition of the water industry Ecwatech 2021.
from 1 pcs