Irbit Milk Factory

Irbit Milk Factory

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Irbit Milk Factory

Irbit Milk Factory

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    Basic information

    JSC "Irbit Dairy Plant" is one of the largest dairy industry enterprises in the Middle Urals. For decades, it has remained the benchmark for the development of the dairy industry in the region and fulfills an important social mission - it provides the Urals with high-quality food. There are 80 items in his product line. The quality is confirmed at the highest levels. The plant has repeatedly become a laureate of the All-Russian competition "100 best goods of Russia", the international award "European Standard", the winner of the competition "Laureate of the Business Star of the Urals", a gold medalist of Russian and international exhibitions. The company is actively developing, increasing production volumes, purchasing the most modern equipment, mastering new types of products. From year to year, the plant is among the best taxpayers of the Middle Urals, maintains a decent level of wages for employees, creates comfortable working conditions for them. The products of JSC "Irbit Dairy Plant" are milk of various fat content and shelf life, cottage cheese products, sour cream, butter, cheeses, condensed canned food, fermented milk products, ice cream. We are interested in reliable partners and regional dealers. For contractors, we are ready to provide: - Guaranteed deliveries. - Quality products
