Cheese RESURRECTION CHEESE MAKER "Resurrection with fenugreek" 40% without zmzh (Russia)

To buy wholesale Cheese RESURRECTION CHEESE MAKER "Resurrection with fenugreek" 40% without zmzh (Russia) from Resurrection cheesells, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Cheese RESURRECTION CHEESE MAKER "Resurrection with fenugreek" 40% without zmzh (Russia)
Price per kg
Minimum order
15 kg
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Cheese “Voskresensky with fenugreek" is a novelty of the factory “Voskresensky cheese maker”, which appeared in December 2017, and already in early January 2018 in our online store “Kostroma cheeses". The already beloved branded cheese “Voskresensky” came out with the addition of fenugreek seeds, a plant that gives a special nutty shade to the cheese taste and aroma. Fenugreek seeds have a lot of useful properties-from improving digestion to normalizing cholesterol in the body and strengthening the cardiovascular system. In addition to the positive effect on the body, fenugreek gives the cheese a delicious taste. Cheese “Resurrection with fenugreek” can be eaten both as an independent dish, and as an integral component of recipes for cooking meat, salads, etc. Hurry up to try, and you will not be disappointed!

  • View of milk


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  • Primary packaging


  • Secondary packaging

  • Form release


  • Number of goods at first. Packing

  • Number of goods to the second. Packing

  • Weight (kg)

  • Brand / TM.

    Resurrection cheesells

  • Quantum Supplies

    15 kg

  • Unit of shelf life

    90 Days

  • Brand / TM.

    Воскресенский сыродел