The Five - leaved Gynostemma

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The Five - leaved Gynostemma
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3 pcs
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Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) is a species of liana native to Southeast Asia. The presented product was brought from Thailand, where the most favorable conditions of an ecologically clean area of the planet. Gynostemma has several names: southern ginseng, jiaogulan, and the most famous and popular – "herb of immortality". More than 90 saponins were found in the ground part of the plant (for comparison, in ginseng – 21), the deciduous part is the most rich in vitamins, vegetable proteins, amino acids. The herb of immortality received its popular name for its healing properties: relieves stress, increases immunity, improves sleep and digestion, restores liver cells, promotes weight loss, keeps the heart and blood vessels in good shape, improves kidney function (has a weak diuretic effect), slows down the aging of the body, improves memory. Contains: saponins, amino acids, proteins, vitamins, micro- and macroelements (selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus) Methods of reception. Infusion (tea): 1 tsp. ground (or cut) raw materials per 300 ml. hot water (80-90 C). Insist for up to 3-5 minutes. Take according to individual perception (you can take the whole volume, or in parts, in a warm or cool form). If the gynostemma is in balls, then the approximate volume of hot water is 500-600 ml. per "ball". The drink has a tonic effect. It should be taken no later than 12 hours before bedtime, i.e. in the morning, at most – before lunch. Contraindications: for individual intolerance, hypertension (increases blood pressure), pregnancy and lactation, sleep disorders, kidney disease. Not recommended for children.

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