Glazes Classic

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Glazes Classic
Price per kg
Minimum order
10 kg

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Glazes based on cocoa butter Manufactured according to GOST 10-260-2000. The composition of the glazes includes cocoa products from the best varieties of cocoa beans. Cocoa products undergo mandatory entrance control at the company's testing laboratory center, and strict quality control of finished products is carried out here. Glazes on cocoa butter equivalents The unique fatty acid composition of the equivalents used (high content of expensive exotic oils) provides the glazes with a shortened crystallization time, taste properties as close as possible to chocolate made from the best varieties of cocoa butter. The low content of polyunsaturated acids gives the glazes high stability against oxidation. Glazes on substitutes of non-lauric type They do not require tempering, which greatly facilitates and reduces the cost of the technological process.According to the main indicators, glazes on cocoa butter correspond. Compatible with cocoa butter up to 20% (of the total fat content). Can be used in the hot season. Glazes on substitutes of the lauric type They do not require tempering, which greatly facilitates and reduces the cost of the technological process. A short period of crystallization time. Resistance to rancidity and graying, which significantly expands the scope of application of glazes.

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    10 kg