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  • Products


    Basic information

    The company ViAn-Distribution (on the market since 2017,) offers to consider our offer for snack products. New groups in the category of croutons and crackers – we have developed and launched completely new types of snack crackers on the market. "TAKE BLACK!", "WILL YOU HAVE toast?", "Will YOU HAVE croutons?" are our trademarks. Taste, quality, convenience. Here are three pillars on which the principle of development and production of our products is based. Only from real bread, only with the best spices, only in the most convenient and practical packaging format. Experience, innovation, respect. We use all the accumulated experience in our work. We are constantly learning new things, we certainly treat our partners and competitors with respect. The consumer is at the forefront. Everything we do is for the consumer, because ultimately our success and the success of our partners depends on his choice. Our croutons and croutons are presented in the following retail chains: Magnolia, Perekrestok, HyperGlobus, Magnet (Hypermarkets), Pivoteka 465 bar stores, as well as in the PLATYPUS online hypermarket.
