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Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts
7The VegaNut project is the result of the joint efforts of two people who combined their knowledge, experience and skills in the areas of healthy nutrition, self—development, a conscious approach to their health and the world around them! The main slogan of our project is "Story of Your health" — which literally translates as "The story of your health". We offer everyone who wants to jointly start or continue the story of restoring, maintaining and strengthening their health! Our mission is to provide people with the opportunity to purchase unique, natural and maximally effective products of plant origin to improve health and strengthen immunity: superfoods, ethical cosmetics, farm products and wild plants (berries, herbs, etc.). For its implementation, we, based on strict criteria, conduct a very careful selection of both products themselves, and their manufacturers! Our vision is formed by the main goal — to become a unique project that unites like-minded people in various fields, helping to exist comfortably, environmentally friendly and harmoniously in our world.
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