Art Dessert

Art Dessert

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Art Dessert

Art Dessert

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    Basic information

    Art Dessert

    The Art-Dessert company appeared in the segment of edible business souvenirs of Russia in 2009. From the very beginning, she mastered new technologies for applying photo images to glaze and sugar paper using food dyes. To date, the company has extensive experience in creating original edible business souvenirs. The company is constantly expanding its range, in addition to cookies and gingerbread Art Dessert produces handmade marshmallows and marshmallows from natural berries and fruits. We have a full production cycle, from product design and packaging to manufacturing and delivery to any regions of Russia. During this time, the company produced souvenirs for the largest Russian companies. Such as:Alfa-Bank, Gazprom, Rosneft, Sberbank, Russian Railways, Vnukovo Airport, Pulkovo Airport and many other small and large enterprises. We are always ready to help implement your original idea. Just write your wishes in a letter, we will make a free design proposal and fit your budget.
