Trade and Production Company Symbirian phytotechnology

Trade and Production Company Symbirian phytotechnology

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Trade and Production Company Symbirian phytotechnology

Trade and Production Company Symbirian phytotechnology

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    Basic information

    In our time of scientific and technological progress, sensational discoveries and developments, as well as global falsifications, people, obeying the instinct of self-preservation, return to natural drugs and products, rejecting chemical ones with negative side effects whenever possible. The leader today in this direction is Western Europe, especially France, despite the highly developed pharmaceutical production and quality control. LLC Scientific and Production Company "Siberian Phytotechnologies" builds its work, taking into account the trend of the time - a deep interest in drugs and products from plant raw materials. The company has production facilities, and the company's employees have extensive practical experience in the creation of natural drugs. In our work we use the experience of practicing doctors, phytotherapists, nutritionists.
