Tagansky meat processing pan

Tagansky meat processing pan

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Tagansky meat processing pan

Tagansky meat processing pan

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    Basic information

    Tagansky Meat Processing Plant is one of the oldest not only in Moscow, but also in the industry, founded in 1928. The strategic line of development of the plant is the production of high–quality Premium products from chilled meat of Russian production. Tagansky Meat Processing Plant is the winner of many awards at international exhibitions, a leader in the production of sausage products for school and preschool meals. The main advantage of Tagansky Meat Processing Plant is the highest quality. Tagansky sets a high bar for quality standards, so our products do not leave anyone indifferent. The team's experience, decades-old technologies, modern equipment and high—quality raw materials - all this guarantees a feast of taste on your table!
