from 10 pcs
Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts
10The family Company "Clean Cup" was formed in 2015. The idea to create your own company was born a long time ago. We wanted to work with the whole family together on one thing, to benefit ourselves and people. But where to start?! We decided to start with something that caused a little inconvenience in our life, we wanted to improve the quality of life! Our family loves tea very much! Packaged teas were not always liked. They bought loose teas from different manufacturers, harvested herbs themselves, brought them from travel. Drinking tea is a pleasure, but cleaning tea leaves... is a real punishment! Besides, my parents and my husband love coffee very much, but not instant, but natural. And then the question arose about filter packages. We started searching, and found that the packages are either not found in stores, or are very expensive. So the idea was born to create your own company for the production of empty tea and coffee bags - to make the life of your tea lovers convenient, and your own interesting! We registered a company, found suppliers, and purchased trial packages. We came up with packaging, studied the demand among friends, got up in one tea shop… Friends liked it, customers showed interest in the store, and our young company, rolling up its sleeves and enlisting the support of God and faith in itself, set to work! Now our team is a small team: the Sukhov family, an accountant, a lawyer, a designer. Gradually, the team is replenished: sales representatives, website creation specialist, business partners.
from 10 pcs
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