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    Basic information


    "Good Flour" is a structure that carries out operations for the sale of flour produced at an ultramodern mill complex in Omsk, built specifically to meet the needs of several large enterprises that were dissatisfied with the quality of flour supplied from the market and, most importantly, the instability of the quality parameters of raw materials from batch to batch. In this regard, the heads of some enterprises decided to build a mill complex for the production of high-quality wheat flour with specified parameters for each type of product. To solve this problem, the most modern technological equipment was installed at the newly built mill complex, taking into account all the latest achievements in the field of grain processing management, a laboratory equipped with top-class equipment was created, as well as elevator facilities were built to create a stock of high-quality wheat grain. As a result, we produce wheat flour with the quality parameters that consumers require and, importantly, we have been maintaining these parameters in a fairly narrow range of fluctuations for several years.
