from 12 pcs
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4Vending machine for the sale of clean drinking water at home is a very convenient and profitable service, since you do not need to order water in advance and wait for home delivery, store bottles at home and overpay for transport and commodity margins. Automatic machines are installed by us, as a rule, within walking distance, so you don't have to go far for our water. The very same system for the preparation of purification and storage of drinking water is installed on the ground floor in a specially prepared place for this. The system is connected to municipal water and provides eight consecutive stages of its post-treatment. One of the elements of drinking water purification is a reverse osmosis membrane. Water under pressure passes through the membrane and is divided into two streams. One, concentrate - contains inorganic substances harmful to the body, salts, metals. The second, crystal clear drinking water, permeate, is sent to a storage tank made of food-grade stainless steel, in which it is stored under ultraviolet light to prevent the development of microorganisms in it. Before going to the tank, clean drinking water goes through two more stages, including mineralization. The mineralizer in our system is a vertical flask with a height of 40 cm in which there is a backfill of six types of slow-soluble minerals. Passing through the mineralizer, clean drinking water is saturated with the right amount of minerals, the pH in the water is leveled and brought to the indicators of the human body. Our water does not need to be boiled before use, and when boiling it will not leave a plaque on the kettle. The devices of our network are equipped with online monitoring, which allows you to monitor the serviceability of all systems. The technical support service works around the clock, its specialists replace the filter element according to the schedule. The Center for Standardization of Metrology and Certification of Ryazan performs a quarterly check of the microflora of water, sanitary and hygienic and microbiological studies, according to the results of which it issues test reports, which can be found on our website. All our devices are registered with the Service of Rospotrebnadzor of the Ryazan region as points for the sale of food and are under constant supervision of supervisory services.
from 12 pcs
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