Room Basco

Room Basco

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Room Basco

Room Basco

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    Basic information

    Porato Basco LLC is a young dynamically developing company founded in 2015. Despite the raging crises and the growing sanctions wars, we have gathered in order to expand the range of products available to the buyer in the regions of our presence. Today, the company's portfolio includes products of the Republic of Belarus, which is a member of the Customs Union and traditionally produces high-quality natural products, which we successfully present on the market of St. Petersburg and the North-West of the Russian Federation. Having a well-coordinated chain of logistics partners, we work with clients in Moscow and the Moscow region, besides we have the opportunity to ship to any region of the Russian Federation. Having appeared in Russia relatively recently, natural ciders and zbitni are already being formed into separate categories on store shelves and enjoy high consumer demand, which is growing annually. Already today, cider can be found both in a restaurant and in a store around the corner, the same prospects await the category of zbitney.
