NPTs Propolis

NPTs Propolis

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NPTs Propolis

NPTs Propolis

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    Basic information

    Propolis LLC, the owner of the Ave Apis trademark, is an enterprise leading a full cycle of development and implementation of new technologies and innovative ideas, and therefore represents the national pride of Bashkortostan. In the Russian and foreign markets, it is known that Ave Apis are high-quality and natural products that have a powerful healing and rejuvenating effect. We have devoted ourselves to taking care of people, creating preventive, curative products, organizing events for the full restoration of health; mastering new areas in our field, achieving perfection, developing human abilities, changing the world in which we live. The Ave Apis healing and cosmetic line - facial and body skin care products - help the body get rid of age–related fatigue, include renewal mechanisms at the cellular level. The propolis complex, which is part of creams and masks, balms and lotions, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis, activates metabolic processes, as a result of which age-related and specific skin problems are successfully solved, the whole body heals.
