Scientific and Production Enterprise Etalon

Scientific and Production Enterprise Etalon

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Scientific and Production Enterprise Etalon

Scientific and Production Enterprise Etalon

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    Basic information

    Scientific and Production Enterprise Etalon

    Our mission is to improve the health of the nation. Our products are health and beauty products. The basis for the high efficiency of any of the products are original, carefully verified recipes. The production and technical base is located in the ecologically clean Mezheninovsky forestry of the Tomsk district of the Tomsk region. LLC Scientific and Production Enterprise "Etalon" has been operating since 2003, is a producer of extract (cell juice) of Siberian fir. Vitamin extract of Siberian fir (abbreviated as VEPS) is our trademark. Concentrated cellular juice of Siberian fir needles "VEPS" with additional enrichment with organic iron and dihydroquercetin is made from freshly harvested coniferous greens of Siberian fir according to a patented technology. Appearance – homogeneous dark brown mass with a thick consistency and a shiny surface. The taste is coniferous-bitter-sour astringent, with a characteristic coniferous smell. Dissolves in water. The peculiarity of cell juice is its saturation with natural nutrients in an easily digestible (chelated) form, as well as the absence of harmful resins and heavy oils. VEPS is an effective drink to strengthen the immune system. Additional enrichment of VEPS with nutrients significantly increases the healing properties: dihydroquercetin slows down the aging process at the cellular level, organic iron makes up for its deficiency in the body. The extract is produced with a concentration of solids from 5% to 60%. The concentrated product has a high density (up to 1.2 g/cm3) and viscosity.
