Honey House

Honey House

  • supplier-company
  • Products
Honey House

Honey House

  • manufacturer
  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

  • Products


    Basic information

    The HONEY HOUSE company is the largest producer of 100% natural products in Russia. Since 1998, "naturalness, quality and taste" has been the main philosophy of the company. The location of the production complex in the Novgorod region allows us to preserve the benefits of our products and provide local residents with jobs. Love for your work is the basis for stable growth and prosperity, and human potential and a cohesive team are the main resource for achieving our ambitious goals. Modern production technologies allow us to achieve a wide range of products without harm to the environment. We strive to create unique natural products that meet the needs of even the most sophisticated gourmets. Caring for nature and health in every product of the HONEY HOUSE company.
