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    Water "Loznovskaya" – from the protected bowels of the Don land Clean drinking water is even more necessary for human life than food. We deliver the cleanest and healthiest water for you. Loznovskaya water contains many useful properties, because it is extracted on the territory of the Russian nature reserve park. Our water is enriched with the most useful elements, as it passes through layers of rocks and undergoes natural filtration. Loznovskaya water has a stable chemical composition throughout the year, which cannot be said about tap water. Our water is more useful for the body, since the salt content in it is lower than in ordinary. Loznovskaya contains a natural complex of useful substances: calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium – they make the water healthy and tasty. However, when boiling, these elements can precipitate and their concentration in water decreases. We recommend drinking our water without boiling, because that's what nature made it. Loznovskaya mining has been going on for more than 13 years. High-quality drinking water is extracted near the village of Loznaya, where attractive meadows, dunes and pine forest are accessible to the human eye.
