Isaev Hamzat Khatuevich

Isaev Hamzat Khatuevich

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  • Products
Isaev Hamzat Khatuevich

Isaev Hamzat Khatuevich

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  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

  • Products


    Basic information

    Our organization - "Bakery No. 1" has been engaged in the production and supply of bakery and confectionery products since 2002. During our work, our clients have become healthcare institutions, state institutions - preschool and secondary educational, small shops and supermarket chains, as well as a large number of individual entrepreneurs of the West Kazakhstan region. Our organization has diplomas from exhibitions for food producers. To ensure the uninterrupted provision of customers, our own specialized vehicles are used that meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements for the transportation of food. Our company is interested in long-term cooperation and is ready to offer high-quality service and the most favorable terms of delivery. Our company is interested in promoting products and expanding its partner network. Reliable cooperation, trust in partners is the key to success for your and our business!
