Buy Latoflex furniture from 373.82 $ from IP Osipov A.V.
IP Osipov A.V.from 1 m
$/mIP Osipov A.V.
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2The Alliance company produces and sells wholesale lamellas (latoflex) for beds and sofas. We invite furniture factories, manufacturers of orthopedic bases, as well as furniture accessories stores to cooperate. Product characteristics according to GOST 21178-2006 Lamella grade - I-IV Bent length, mm - 500-975 Straight length, mm - 1190 -1590 Width, mm - 8,9,10,12 Thickness, mm - Curved profile with a radius of 3500mm, The shape of the side edge is rounded. Peeled birch veneer according to GOST 99-96 Carbamide-formaldehyde resin of the KF-EU TU 2223-035-00203789-2001 brand GOST 21178-2006
from 1 m
$/mfrom 1 m