IP Bakarev E.V. "Konditta"

IP Bakarev E.V. "Konditta"

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IP Bakarev E.V. "Konditta"

IP Bakarev E.V. "Konditta"

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    Basic information

    IP Bakarev E.V. "Konditta"

    Our company was opened in March 2001 and today is one of the leaders in the production of high-quality confectionery products in Siberia. We produce a wide range of confectionery products. The company is equipped with advanced imported equipment, which allows the technological process to be carried out at the highest level. In addition, the company's management has determined from the first days of its work that the most important task is the quality of products. For this purpose, natural raw materials are mainly used for our products, so that our sweets are not only delicious, but also useful for our consumers. Careful individual selection of technological, managerial workers, confectioners allows the company to actively engage in the development and introduction of new types of products. Much attention is also paid to the appearance of products, modern packaging, the introduction of new, more convenient equipment that minimizes manual labor at the enterprise, and facilitates the work of confectioners. We employ a lot of creative people, so our products will always please the buyer.
