from 100 kg
$/kgKhrenov Dmitry Aleksandrovich
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9River fish is included in the category of dietary products. The proteins that the human body receives with tender fillets are easily digested and converted into protein, so fish dishes are recommended for athletes. River fish is rich in vitamin D, which is necessary for the body to absorb calcium, a substance that strengthens bones and teeth. The substance accelerates bone fusion in fractures and prevents the development of osteoporosis. Vitamin A, combined with omega-3 fats, which are also present in fish, increases visual acuity, and rejuvenates the skin from the inside, improving the appearance. Fine wrinkles disappear, a healthy shine appears and the tone is leveled. The river product supplies methionine to the body – a substance that not only reduces cholesterol levels, prevents fat deposits and improves tone, but is also considered an excellent prevention of Parkinson's disease. Zinc is an indispensable substance that can normalize the work of the male genitals, and significantly improve the quality of sexual life. Magnesium is a trace element that reduces nervous tension, protects a person from the negative effects of stress and normalizes sleep. Aggressiveness and irritability disappear, general well-being improves. The components of river fish strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of cancer problems and normalizes blood sugar. The carp family is recommended to be included in the diet for thyroid diseases. The substances present in carp and crucian carp have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes and improve the condition of the skin, helps to fight dermatological diseases. Pike is not just a dietary product containing only 3% fat, but also an excellent antiseptic that increases the resistance of immunity to viral and infectious attacks.
from 100 kg
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