from 20 pcs
$/pcsBread alliance
Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts
10The embodiment of good traditions on modern high-tech equipment Samara Bread LLC is a modern, dynamically developing enterprise with a wide range of opportunities thanks to the use of advanced methods of production organization. Since its foundation, in 1995, the basic principles of its activities have been established: absence of improvers and other artificial additives in production formulations; combination of traditional Russian technologies with the best samples of modern equipment; impeccable quality of raw materials; creating conditions for attracting highly qualified specialists; involvement of each employee in the production process of quality products; creating your own branded retail network. During the first year, the company's specialists recreated a recipe for a unique starter culture, which has been successfully used in the production of products for many years, allowing the use of exclusively natural raw ingredients. From the removal of starter cultures to the dispatch of products, each stage of production is accompanied by the participation of experienced specialists with higher professional education. Our own laboratory allows us to thoroughly examine the raw materials and fully control all stages of production. Technological equipment that meets the requirements of world standards makes it possible to produce a wide range of bakery and confectionery products. The company's branded trade, covering all areas of the city, offers more than 70 types of high-quality and useful products, taking into account the most refined tastes of Samara residents.
from 20 pcs
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