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    Basic information

    In 2008, the company "GEDA" LLC received an offer to develop natrual nutrition based on protein. The project was implemented with the assistance of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Patent searches, technological research and experimental procedures were carried out. As a result, the company "GEDA" LLC launched a product of the same name on the market — a dried food additive "GEDA". The long-term practice of taking the GEDA supplement by people both for preventive and therapeutic purposes has shown not only a wide range of its effects, but also the serious nature of the therapeutic orientation. So it was found that patients who have suffered strokes and heart attacks recover much faster and easier to normal life. Also after chemotherapy. Currently, the company is working purposefully to improve the technology for obtaining the GEDA product and products based on it.
