Don cereals

Don cereals

  • supplier-company
  • Products
Don cereals

Don cereals

  • manufacturer
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  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

  • Products


    Basic information

    The company specializes in the purchase and processing of Kuban rice, millet, peas and buckwheat. Our cereals comply with the current GOST and safety requirements of international standards. Our products are manufactured on modern high-tech equipment. Does not contain GMOs. We supply cereals in small and large wholesale and other agricultural products by all means of transport to all regions of Russia and CIS countries. Long-term strong relationships with suppliers, professionalism of employees, well-established logistics systems, operational work with regional companies allow us to produce high-quality products that are in demand in all regions and are our competitive advantage. Our goal: Long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation. Thanks to our permanent partners, we have achieved today's success and hope to develop it in the future. Our main advantage: high quality of our products; reasonable pricing policy; individual approach to each client
