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    About the project Welcome to the website of the Wonderful Viands project! Delicious and healthy food. "Live" loaves, chips. Healthy sweets: marshmallows, kozinaki, halva, jam. Kvass and pickling. Prepared according to Old Russian recipes from natural ingredients without heat treatment with the preservation of all useful substances and enzymes. Why such a name? Russian Russian cuisine and culture We wanted to come up with a name with native Russian words, aimed at the development of Russian cuisine and culture. In the old days, food and treats served to the table were called a feast. It was everything that was prepared for eating and drinking by living organisms. The main task of the dishes was to transfer energy and "building material" to the human body. But, despite such a responsible task, the food also had to bring pleasure from its use. It was quite important for a person. Most of the concepts that are associated with cooking are popularly called "kitchen". It is the dishes that are one of the foundations in human life, as a source of energy for the vital activity of the body. It is recommended to eat from 1 to 5 times a day. A full meal should contain all the essential elements of food. These are the elements that food must include in order to ensure the normal functioning of the human body. The dishes were primarily supposed to be enjoyable, so the whole table was full of them at the feasts, and the dishes were tried to be presented in such a way that they "pleased the eye". About us We are a team of like-minded people united by the idea of promoting a healthy lifestyle and healthy nutrition. About two years ago, we changed our lifestyle, including nutrition, switched to raw food and felt an extraordinary surge of strength, energy and good mood and we want to share with others our experience of natural, healthy nutrition. By launching the project, we want to show that food can be both delicious and healthy. On the pages of the website, as well as on the Vkontakte page, we will post recipes and videos on cooking various dishes of Russian cuisine at home. The ability to cook delicious and healthy food will undoubtedly be noted by enthusiastic reviews of relatives and friends.
