from 35 kg
$/kgBrown bear
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3Quality is important to us, not quantity! One of the most important advantages of our apiary is the quality of products. High quality is an indicator of the seriousness and respect with which the manufacturer treats his business. The quality of honey is determined by many indicators. One of the main ones is humidity. According to GOST, this indicator should be no more than 20% in the product. We do not adhere to this standard, as we believe that it should be underestimated, in our opinion, honey in the area of this range is not yet mature. We believe that the humidity of the product should be no more than 18.5%, or even lower. We pump out honey with a humidity of 16 to 17.2% maximum. This indicates the maturity of honey. We do NOT USE any heating equipment to evaporate moisture, since bees do this work, which confirms an equally important indicator as the diastase number. Using homogenizers We use homogenizers, each tank with a volume of 11 tons. After pumping, we allow the honey to cool down and settle, thereby, the product acquires a homogeneous structure. What does it give? For example, you ordered 100 kg of lime honey for a sample. We received it, and the quality satisfied you in all respects, and you ordered 500 kg more. So, the subsequent batches of honey will be exactly the same as the first trial, there will be no variation in humidity and other important indicators. Availability of all necessary documents We are registered in the Mercury system and have all the necessary documents: veterinary certificate GOST 19792-2017, pollen analysis, passport of the apiary, certificate of the presence of bee colonies in the private farm, certificate of the well-being of the apiary. Therefore, there will be no problems with sending to other regions. We work with any transport company. FREE delivery to the terminal in Vladivostok.
from 35 kg
$/kgfrom 35 kg
$/kgfrom 35 kg