Archakov Rustam Abukarovich

Archakov Rustam Abukarovich

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Archakov Rustam Abukarovich

Archakov Rustam Abukarovich

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    Basic information

    Hello there. The Archakov company has been selling Halal products for more than 15 years. We were the first in Moscow and in Russia who chose meat and products of such quality as their main specialization. We do everything to ensure that Halal remains affordable and of high quality. Suppliers From the very opening of the store, we began to work with certain suppliers. For 15 years, they have only confirmed the correctness of our choice, proving it by the quality of the Halal products provided. Cooperation is carried out directly, without intermediaries. We purchase: meat of young bulls from the Penza region; chilled beef and lamb from Dagestan, Stavropol; beef and lamb offal; sausages and meat delicacies from the factories "Ekoprod", "Halal-Ash", and "SAFA"; domestic chicken and poultry from leading poultry farms ("Prioskolye", "Verkhnevolzhnaya poultry farm", etc.). Our priority when choosing suppliers is consistently high quality and reliability. Products We not only purchase finished products, but also produce our own, based on the best practices of our partners and verified recipes. Under the brand "Archakov" are produced: dumplings; dumplings and dumplings; manta rays and khinkali; cutlets and meatballs; chebureks; stuffed peppers; puff pastry without yeast and not only. We also sell hot pastries. If you like tandoor tortillas, pies, samsa with different fillings, cakes and pastries, homemade noodles, oriental sweets, baguettes made from high—quality ingredients - order! Certificates Regular customers see the quality of our products and taste them every day. But for new and corporate customers, we are ready to provide any documents and certificates that will confirm that our products are worthy of the attention of those who choose Halal. Among them: acts of veterinary inspections; quality certificates for any of the products; the certificate is "Halal" and not only. The factories with which we have established fruitful cooperation also monitor the quality. The Voronezh Poultry Farm, for example, slaughters birds under the close supervision of the Council of Muftis of Russia.
