Seedlings of the Ural bulk Apple tree variety

To buy wholesale Seedlings of the Ural bulk Apple tree variety from SPK Kirov Fruitomicon, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Seedlings of the Ural bulk Apple tree variety
Price per pcs
Minimum order
100 pcs
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Variety selection Zhavoronkova P.A., Chelyabinsk fruit and vegetable breeding station. Winter hardiness is high. In wet years, the fruits can be damaged by scab. The tree is medium-sized with a spherical-spreading, dense crown and branches bent downwards. It begins to bear fruit very early, for 2-3 years. The yield is high. The weight of the fruit is 40-60 gr., with a smooth shiny yellow skin. There is no cover color. Subcutaneous dots are clearly visible, light, of medium size. The flesh is creamy, loose, fine-grained, very juicy. the taste is sweet, with a slight sourness and a light charming aroma. The sugar content is 8-13%, acids 0.6-7%, vitamin C 20mg / 100g. Removable maturity comes in September. They are stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month. Universal purpose - used both fresh and ideal for making juices, jams and purees.

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