Feed for milk cows and nonsense

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Feed for milk cows and nonsense
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1 pcs
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The dairy productivity of cows depends on their breed features, feeding conditions and content. For the formation of milk, the body of the cow is necessary for many substances, and in a certain ratio. Get all the necessary components of the cow can be from feed. But often in the feeds of these very substances lacks the cow, getting only natural feed, gives the missing substances into milk from its own body, thereby exhausted it. Therefore, the organization of feeding is very important.The digestive apparatus of cattle is adapted to the processing of bulk feeds with a high content of fiber. During the day, the daisy cow, depending on productivity, eats up to 70 and more kilograms of feed. It has been established that animals with a big hunt consume food in the morning from 4 to 10 hours and in the afternoon from 14 to 20 hours. With a multicomponent diet, it is better to use a solid-mounted ration (PSR or TMR), prepared with a feed mixer. The mixed diet increases feeding efficiency, the herd consumes more feed, while recycling various components of the diet: thus, the stomach works much more efficient.

  • Brand / TM.

    Gordeevskie feed

  • Weight (kg)

  • Quantum Supplies

  • Brand / TM.

    Гордеевские корма