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$/kgTo buy wholesale Karrageenan Gena Texturer MV-100F Kappa from PS Treyd, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.
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$/kgThe MV-100F Texture (Kappa) gene, gelning and water binding hydrocolloid, is specifically designed for a multigilde syringe and does not score filters and needles. It is used for boiled ham, chicken rolls, turkey breeds, boiled sausages, canned meat, etc. Norms of application amount to 0.3-0.6% in the finished meat product. This concept also provides the ability to expand the range of products produced on a production line by using: neutral marinades or marinades with herbs, spices and flavors; Dyes, preservatives and other soluble thin grid ingredients.
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Food supplement
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Quantum Supplies
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