Chinese tea green ganpauder powder

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Chinese tea green ganpauder powder
Price per kg
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25 kg

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Tea is a very useful drink. It includes more than 300 different microelements: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Tea welding has a pronounced hemostatic and disinfectant effect, thanks to the tanning substances included in its composition. Phenolic compounds - Tanines - give tea a special tartness, fortress (but not bitterness). Tannins slow down the effect of caffeine, also included in the composition of tea, so the effect of cheerfulness after eating tea comes smoothly, but is very sustainable.There are many antioxidants in tea. These substances slow down the aging process, struggle with the development of malignant tumors, constrain their growth.As for vitamins, there are especially many vitamins of group B (B1, B2), these vitamins are extremely important for normal liver operation, for skin and hair, as well as the nervous system. These vitamins are especially important to use during stress, illness, large physical and mental loads - it protects the body from exhaustion. Vitamin P, also in large quantities contained in tea, is important for the cellular respiration and the elasticity of the walls of the vessels. Vitamin C contained in the drink supports the total tone of the body, immunity, efficiency.The composition of tea also includes essential oils and such an indispensable elements for the body, like manganese, zinc, iron, copper, nickel. Essential oils possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. And mineral substances are contained in tea in sufficient quantities to fill the needs of the body if you drink 3-4 cups daily.Origin: ChinaPasting Type: BoxView: GreenSize: largestPacking Weight: 25kgGrade: Ganpauder

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    25 kg