Almond Golden Dried

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Almond Golden Dried
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7 kg

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Almonds Golden Dried 27 / 30Realousness of almond early ripening period (end of August). Hindalel of the band Starrell (N / P) is distinguished by a large size, a rather soft shell, an extended shape, a smooth surface and a bright skin of the nucleus itself. Thanks to these properties, almonds are less damaged during cleaning from the shell, therefore it is very popular among representatives of the food industry (production of snacks, confectionery, etc.), where the appearance of the nuclei has a cumbersome. And the extended form makes it comfortable in the production of almond petals. Hindal is used in a cheese or fried form, integer and crushed to prepare and decorate cookies, cakes, cakes and sweet dishes. Ground almonds are used in the manufacture of pastes and fillers, essences for the aromatization of cakes and sauces, as a sprinkle. From almond flour, famous pasta macarons are also prepared. Another well-known terrible almond-based treatable mass - the majority of consumers, the ideal base for adding almonds is the highest grades chocolate. In addition, increasing growth shows the production of almond milk and almond oil, which can also be used when creating confectionery products. They are great for the manufacture of products that do not contain dairy components and gluten, which has long become one of the trends of healthy nutrition. Specialty on Almonds Starrell (Nonpareil, N / P) 25/27, 27/30 Regions of origin: United StatesOrganoleptic and physicochemical quality indicators The view of the almond nucleus, dried, whole, normally developed, having characteristic appearance, shape, dimensions for this specifies are homogeneous, light yellow, the smell peculiar to the almond nucleus. Foreign taste and smell are not allowed in a solid, dense, crispy sample (number of cores, pcs in 28.35 g) 25/27, 27/30 resumption,%, not more than 1. Eachness of broken nuclei (at least 1/8 of the whole nucleus) ,%, not more than 1.0 sacrapines and chips (not less than 6 mm in diameter),%, not more than 10,0 cells of dual nuclei,%, not more than 5.0 ware,%, not more than 6.0 degenerate pests (the presence of live insects, Pupa, larvae) are not allowedMellets not allowed to be allowed impurities, incl. Free-deeble mineral impurities 0.1 Safety phasers in accordance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union 100 g of almonds contain: water - 4.0 GBELKI - 18.6. Vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 20.0 МКГГvitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.3 Mgvitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0,7 MGVITAMIN B3 or vitamin RR (niacin) - 4.0 MGVITOVIN B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 0, 4 Mgvitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.3 Mgvitamin B9 (folic acid) - 40.0 МКГvitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 1.5 Mgvitamin E (tocopherol) - 30,8 MGMacroelements: Potassium - 748 MEAT - 273 MGMAGNIY - 234 Magnatrium - 10 MAGSER - 178 MEFOSFOR - 473 MGHLOR - 39 MGMICROElements: iron - 4.2 MGYOD - 2.0 μgmarganese - 1.9 MGMED - 0.1 MGFTOR - 91.0 Мкгцина - 2.1 omnietary value 100 g almonds - About 645.0 kcal / 2.699 kJ.

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    Healthy product

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    Natural ingredients

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    7 kg

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    Vita Energy