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$/pcsFood product Arabinogalactan + Camellia oil. Mutually complementing and enhancing the effect. Maslo Camellia provides admission to the organism of the squalene -Q10 and PNGC polyunsaturated omega fatty acids 3-6-9 in physiological proportion, which is especially important for our body, as they are involved in metabolic processes. Camellia oil contains: its components are vitamins A, E and V. Fatty acids: - oleic acid - 86%, - palmitic acid - 7.5%, - Linoleic acid - 3.8% - stearic acid - 2.2% - Arachidone acid - 0.5%. Proteins, minerals, vitamins. Also iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and calcium. Camellia oil contains antioxidants. It has a unique property to remove toxins from the body. Also oil contains tannin, polyphenols and an indispensable vitamin - coenzyme Q10. It strengthens cell membranes, it helps to increase the biological potential of the cells. Camellia lowers the level of cholesterol, helps the normalization of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the vessels, satures oxygen cells, normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. It contributes to the restoration of forces and cheerfulness, relieves fatigue and apathy, restores mental and physical forces, increases the resistance of the organism. Arabinogalactan is a water-soluble polysaccharide of plant origin, obtained from the Siberian larch. Contains galactose molecules and arabinose. Arabogalactan fermented the useful microflora in the intestines, increases the number of useful lactobacillus bacteria. As a source of soluble dietary fibers, arabinogalactane improves nutrition, suction and preservation in a healthy state of the gastrointestinal tract, also an important property of arabinogalactane is that it contributes to the formation of short-chain fatty acids, extremely important for the normal operation of the body. Gastrointestinal tract and does not provoke the development of allergic reactions. It has also been established that the AG has a noticeable gastroprotective and moderate antimicrobial effect on some bacteria. Prebiotic properties. Prebiotics are foodstuffs, including bioactive food fibers, which selectively stimulate the growth and activity of the normal intestinal microflora, being food for bifido and lactobacilli (probiotics). These bacteria are extremely important for the health of digestive and immune systems, detoxifying and hurmoregulating properties of the body, suction and processing of food. It is installed that the AH from the larch of Siberian and Hmelin has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. From a clinical point of view, this is a very attractive product; Regular reception can maintain normal immunity not only through direct impact, but also through the effects on bifido and lactobacillias of the intestines, which, in turn, help the complex immune system of person function more reliably. Only one effect of the larch arabinogalactan on the growth of these microorganisms makes it a valuable addition to the human diet. The antiviral activity of arabinogalactan from the larch of Siberian was evaluated. The radical of the larch is an ideal addition to a cancer. It has been established experimentally that it stimulates cytotoxicity of natural killer cells, increases other functional aspects of the immune system and inhibits the penetration of tumor metastases in the liver. Clinical studies also demonstrated a significant reduction in cholesterol in people with hyperlipidemia host The glands and activates its hormone-producing function, as well as the processes of lipid peroxidation, increases the antioxidant activity of the blood, normalizes the amount of erythrocytes and their osmotic resistance. Thanks to high membraneuroprosis, it can be used to increase the absorption of other drugs characterized by low bioavailability. In this connection, the prospects for using a polysaccharide for the synthesis of new physiologically active compounds and the address delivery of drugs to certain organs and tissues of a living organism, as well as to use AG in the creation of sensitizers for photodynamic diagnosis and treatment of cancer and effective antitumor drugs with aimed action and reduced toxicity. It is installed that the joint use of known drugs (LWs) with arabinogalactane can significantly reduce the active dose of LV while maintaining high basic activity, as well as reduce the severity of side effects characteristic of some drugs, for example, ulcerness of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Cours: According to the list approved by the head sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, an adequate level of consumption AG for a person is 10 g / day, and the upper permissible level is 20 g per day. Studies of the medical and biological properties of Arabinogalactan, showed that the substance has a large latitude of the therapeutic action and safely with long-term (90 days) daily reception. Form of release: POWSTRAFTER OF PRODUCTION: RUSSIAN ARMATING WITH ARASTICALACTAN PLUS: Arabicalactan (at least 85%), dihydrokvercetin (4-4.5.5 %), Camellia oil 10% Method of application: 1 tablespoon without top (10 gr) Dilute in 250-300ml hot water (85-90c). Doodle throughout the day.
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