Dragee health with apiary

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Dragee health with apiary
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50 pcs
NPC gold bore

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For general strengthening the body and improving immunity to diseases, we released sweet dragees with herbs extracts, propolis, mummy, drone and uterine milk, as well as with a magnificent healing ginseng. To maintain the tone of the body, it is enough to enjoy our useful candy. In all the dragee includes: sugar powder, sugar, pattern, cocoa butter, citric acid, propolis peeled, oil flax, bee wax. We are glad to present you: Dragee with lavender With a cold acts as an antispasmodic and an antiseptic, improves the intestinal and stomach. It is recommended for melancholy, hysteria, neurasthenia and irritability, insomnia, influenza and various infectious diseases. With mint-eyed pains and spasms in the stomach, extinguishing of the intestine, heartburn, indentation of the stomach, for the activities of the heart and blood circulation, stimulates the work of the liver and the gallbladder, is applied asthma, with inflammatory processes in bronchi, lungs. With the sageness, it will cope with nervous voltage, with stress and depression, increases mental and physical performance, restores the energy of the body, has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, it tones cardiac activity, normalizes blood pressure, normalizes blood pressure, contributes to the removal of slags and toxins from the body. From the eucalyptomasses the immunomodulatory effect, it strengthens the natural protection of the body and struggle with viruses, used in diseases of the respiratory organs as antimicrobial, expectorant and painful agent, at ARVI and the most complex angins, Tonphorsillites, bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. From the chagro separating for the prevention of asthenia, intestinal atony, methods, tuberculosis, as well as bronchial asthma. The chamber is considered a plant that is indispensable for male health, its use prevents the development of prostatitis, eliminates sexual weakness and prevents early seeds. Exactly with propolisses themselves with antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anesthetics and stimulating properties. It is recommended for tuberculosis of lungs, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, angina, inflammation of light, ulcerative diseases of the stomach, thyroid gland, chronic prostatitis, gastritis. Exactly balsamins, rustic, choleretic, diuretic, radioprotective and antitumor effect, improves mineral metabolism in the body, has antimicrobials, Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anesthetizing and stimulating properties. With mumising, the mineral metabolism in the body, increases the content of salts, calcium, manganese and phosphorus, increases the hemoglobin content, which in turn contributes to good blood supply to all organs and tissues. It is recommended for gastritis, an ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, thrombophlebitis, periodontal disease. With the flower dust of the work of the nervous and endocrine systems, the strengthening of capillaries, reduced blood cholesterol, stimulates the immune system, increases mental and physical performance. It has a liner, choleretic, diuretic, radioprotic and antitumor effect. The neurotic and cardiovascular system, normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, restores the liver operation, stimulates the blood function, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, regulates the function of the immune and endocrine system , rejuvenates the body, reduces alcohol intoxication, reduces the firing syndrome, stabilizes the work of the body during menopause, removes tension. With the drones, the influence of the ovaries is restored, restore the organism to rejuvenate, restore the metabolism and nutrition of tissues, contribute to the normalization of blood pressure. , reduce cholesterol in the blood, contribute to the accelerated restoration of the biochemical characteristics of the seeds and the prostate gland, increase physical performance, contribute to restoration seed sexual function in men and enhancement of sexual attraction. With ginsengpri prevention and to increase the overall body resistance to seasonal infectious diseases (flu, ORZ, colds), stimulates fabric breathing, improves the composition of the blood, reduces heart rhythm, increases heart rate amplitude, regulates The metabolic processes of metabolism, possesses a painful and soothing effect, a lining agent for hypotension, fatigue, overwork, increases mental and physical performance, increases the content of hemoglobin in the blood, contributes to improving immunity.

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    Golden bore

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    PAT, Plastic box

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    Золотая Борть