Muksun fresh-frozen

To buy wholesale Muksun fresh-frozen from Muksun, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Muksun fresh-frozen
Price per kg
Minimum order
10 kg

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Muksun is the very calorie from freshwater fish. This is a real energy cocktail! Calorie Moxun fish is one hundred meat gram - 89 calories. Fish meat dense medium fatty. The human body is absorbed quickly, up to 98 percent. On this, the cost of digesting meat Moxun is small. So, such a fish as MUKSUN, perfectly suited to people, weakened by a long disease or already correlated. For people with a healthy organism, the presence of arachidonic acid in fish helps to cope with physical exertion. Another important features of Moxun fish is the presence of rare elements - bromine and copper. Bromine is needed for the human nervous system, and copper for the normal formation of blood cells. It is worth noting that Moxun's fish meat is not infected with parasites. According to this, Muksuna can be used for such a Siberian dish, like - Stroganin. It is preparing only from fresh-frozen Muksun. From it you can cook a delicious ear and fish cutlets, by the way, these disasses are also traditional for the northerners. Amina proteins, give Fish Muksun, the smell of fresh, just torn cucumber. Fresh-frozen fish retains smell, but unfortunately, he is somewhat losing his sharpness. Fresh-frozen Muksun is a real treasure for true fisher connoisseurs, as well as for people who are on a diet or needless food.

  • Type of fish


  • Secondary packaging

  • Cutting type

    Not clear

  • Contains

    Natural ingredients

  • Primary packaging


  • Does not contain


  • Number of goods at first. Packing

  • Number of goods to the second. Packing

  • Weight (kg)

  • Quantum Supplies

    10 kg

  • Unit of shelf life

    12 Months (s)