Natural honey

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Natural honey
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10 pcs

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Hello everyone Friends, honey is available again from my partners from Klyuchevsky, the family estate of the Pomazanovs. Here's what they tell about their honey (further quote): "Mature honey multicolored "Bear from Klyuchevka". Firstly, honey is collected once a year, after the Honey Saviour (August 14). Therefore, it collects nectar from all the flowers that bloomed this year within a radius of about 10 km. from us. Our apiary is located permanently in one place all year round. There are a lot of herbs blooming around us, a lot of acacia; a variety of fruit trees, rosehip bushes, hawthorn, lohovnik, maple trees are blooming, there is a chestnut. In total, we counted about 70 species of honey plants. And it turns out that honey from the nectar of all these plants is present in each of our jars with honey. Secondly, our bees eat only their honey all year round. There is completely no sugar and no feeding of bees with sugar syrup. Thirdly, we refused to use a sheet of artificial wax and wire in the framework. As a result, it turns out that our honeycombs with honey are completely natural. We substitute wooden frames for the bees at the hive, then they themselves rebuild their "tongues" of honeycombs in them, filling them with honey and in some places with parchment. Fourth, we have abandoned the use of any chemicals for the prevention and treatment of bee colonies. Ie, honey does not get any chemicals and not a gram of sugar. Fifthly, all types of our honey products, except pure honey (Mature honey multicolored "Bear from Klyuchevka") are obtained without the use of honey. And sixth, the packaging of honey takes place during the honey harvest, i.e. honey is not subjected to any artificial heating."

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