Walnut Oil 250 ml

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Walnut Oil 250 ml
Price per pcs
Minimum order
5 pcs

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Walnut Oil is just our pet, it suits almost all dishes and gives such a fresh, walnut flavor salads, which is impossible to break away!But the several main properties of this oil, which make it indispensable: ⠀Walnut oil improves skin health: ⠀ Omega-3 in oil stimulates wound healing, helps to fight inflammatory skin diseases, strengthens the overall level of skin health. ⠀Reduces inflammation in cells: ⠀ Chronic inflammation can be associated with heart disease, oncological diseases and some other problems, the inclusion of walnut oil in the diet helps in the fight against them, largely due to polyphenols in composition. ⠀It helps to reduce blood pressure: ⠀ alpha-linoleiac, linoleic acid and polyphenols in the composition of oil help reduce blood pressure, improving the functional state of blood vessels. ⠀Helps to fight diabetes: ⠀ Scientists have proven that the use of 1 tablespoon of walnut oil per day for an empty stomach for 3 months helps to significantly reduce the level of sugar and hemoglobin levels in the blood - all due to the high concentration of antioxidants in oil. ⠀It helps to maintain the health of the heart and helps to reduce the high level of poor cholesterol in the blood: ⠀ This property of walnut oil is associated with the content of omega-3 fatty acids and some antioxidant compounds in oil. ⠀And that is equally important, besides the way that the use of this oil course or as part of cold dishes and salads, gives such excellent results, it also has excellent taste, which will allow you to open new horizons of your gastronomic perception!

  • Contains

    Natural ingredients

  • Secondary packaging

  • Brand / TM.

    "Laboratory of Natural Products Maslenik"

  • Primary packaging

    Plastic bottle

  • Does not contain


  • Packing


  • Volume (l)

  • Number of goods at first. Packing

  • Number of goods to the second. Packing

  • Unit of shelf life

    180 Days

  • Quantum Supplies

  • Brand / TM.

    Лаборатория натуральных продуктов Масленiкъ